Book Creator

The geography of the West, a flourishing economy.

by Gwenyth R

Pages 4 and 5 of 34

Before we jump right into my explanations that help answer the driving question, what are the 5 themes of Geography? Why do they matter?
Well, the five themes of geography provides us with an outline to help understand the geography of a place, and form conclusions about it. It also helps geographers in their research to analyze geographical information. Let’s take a closer look and dive right into the definition of the five themes, and some visuals to help understand.
There are 2 sub-categories
to location ; Absolute
Location and Relative Location.
Absolute Location is your exact location on the Earth and is often given in degrees of latitude and longitude (global location) or maybe a street address or intersection (local location). For example our absolute location right now is: 49.31836, -122.95056 or
1204 Caledonia Avenue.

Location can also be described in relative terms. Relative Location is a description of one place relative to the other. It can be described by landmarks, time, direction or distance.
For example a relative location is: classroom opposite from the library or the house 4 blocks down on the corner.