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(copy) Time Travling


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I quickly went under the dining table the room was the size of a town house. The girl was also talking in the phone, so I got suspicious, and I started to listen. She spoke on the phone and spoke. Hi Mr. Rober boss. I quickly ran home and asked my dad if he knew who Rober was, and he said Rober his brother Then I thought it would be time to tell my dad that Rober and his crew stole the compos you gave me, but I got it back. It was a long day, so I went to sleep so fast. In the morning I got up early and got ready for school. I was kind of bored because there would be nothing, I could do sense the people that were stealing my compos didn`t get my compos. I looked at the tracker that they put.
The tracker they put in my compos it had a bull`s head from that second, I knew that was their logo. So, I searched up what the logo was called, and it was called the bulls. I thought that was a bad name, so I looked up what it meant, and it said the strong ones. I just remembered that that was a tracker so then I throwed the tracker out of my window. I heard it brake so I knew the bulls could not get my compos I went back to the past when it was my birthday, but I thought that Toli would not be in my friend group. but I had to. I went back to the past and spoke. Hi, my name is Knox I have a baby brother my dad went to my home country. He was going to Japan. For my birthday I was supposed to get a phone, but I got a compos. I was so mad, but my dad was in Japan. I wished I could go to Japan and go to the past and make Shure my dad never left the compos started glowing and I told it to stop, and it actually listened. I went to bed, but I was sad because Toli would have never been my friend. But then I actually wanted it to take me where I was so I could still be friends with him.

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