Book Creator


by assunta matarese

Pages 2 and 3 of 17


One day with my companions we went for fun to a town called BOCYBEN and they said that the town was haunted. The next day we left by plane. Some of our friends had advised us of this country that there had been many killings and there was also a killer named Killer of Infinity who lived there. We did not believe it and we thought that they were just stories to scare tourists.  When we arrived at our destination, we noticed that the city was in bad shape, the houses were destroyed and there was blood on the walls. After we arrived at the apartment t they had assigned us , we heard screams coming from the lake. The lake was of blood and there was a girl inside and so we booked a boat to go and see what was happening. Suddenly I heard my friend scream , I turned around but i could only see his favorite hat . I was so scared that immediately I went to my flat and on the bed I found the famous killer who killed my friend .I felt behind me that there was a presence. It was the good soul of my friend defending me and suddenly I saw the plane landing with all my friends . I climbed on it and we left. I thank my friend who saved me.

De Santo Leonardo

One day my family and I went to visit an abandoned house. As we walked we heard a noise behind us . We turned around and we saw nothing. Then we heard it again and they were two ghosts. These two ghosts had been locked up for 20 years and they asked us if we could help them to get out of that cursed abandoned house. We helped them and they started walking all over the city.

Manzulli Francesca