Book Creator

Sumner School Curriculum

by Anna Granger

Pages 4 and 5 of 64

Our Mission, Vision and Values
During 2019 our Board of Trustees undertook a thorough consultation process with all stakeholders within our community including; staff, students, whānau, iwi and community. Our re-visioning process focused around understanding what our community believe to be the most important skills, attributes and values for our students to leave our school being able to know, be and do

From thorough consultation our new Mission Statement, Vision for Teaching and Learning and Values was co-constructed. 
Our Mission Statement
Mission Statement embraced by our staff and our Board of Trustees 

Our Turangawaewae and Cultural Narrative talks of the importance of Rapanui, Tuawera, Te Onepoto and Awaroa. These enduring landmarks and places of deep significance for local iwi acted as signposts, skillfully guiding and pointing them in the direction so that they could locate places that were abundant with kaimoana and other valuable resources. 

As our ākonga navigate their way through our kura they gather resources for growth and learning. We use our understanding of our learners and their unique Character Strengths to carefully guide them through the landmarks of Rapanui, Tuawera, Te Onepoto and Awaroa; the highest of the landmarks where they can look out on the wider world while feeling empowered as learners and deeply connected to the whenua (land) beneath them.
Nurturing character and empowering learners to navigate their world.