Book Creator

My Poems

by Charlie M.


My Poems
Table of Contents:
Page 1: Simile
Page 2: Metaphor
Page 3: Found Poem
Page 4: My Haikus
Page 5: My sound poem
Page 6: Experience poem
Page 7: Personification poem
Page 8: Self-portrait poem
Hi my name is Charlie and I am the author of this ebook. I like playing soccer, playing piano, and doing electronics. Be sure to check out my about me video and my blog.
My Simile
Knowledge like school
Knowledge like books
Knowledge like learning
Knowledge unlike crooks

Values as in water
Values as in shelter
Values as in food
You shouldn’t be cold, but you shouldn’t swelter

What’s the most important? I’ll let you decide
But no matter what you choose, hold your head up with pride!
My Metaphor:
My metaphor:

There should be no racism
There should be no war
There should be no greed
Or people thinking more, more, more

Everyone should have shelter
Everyone should have food
Everyone needs education
And everyone we must include