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by Italian Recipes

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The IPAA_Istituto Professionale per l’Agricoltura e l’Ambiente "Bruno Marchino” was founded in Fabro 10 years ago, in response to the strong rural vocation of Umbria Region and of the area where the school is located. Local businesses feel the strong need for specialized personnel, able not only to produce, but above all to put typical products on the market, with a view to multifunctional agriculture. Our students, together with students of our partner schools, edited this cookbook after having tasted and cooked all dishes and meals produced with local products and goods. They saw and took part in the manufacturing process of products such as cheese, oil and wine, getting to know the real meaning of sustainability concept.

Something about Umbria
The main crops are olives, vines and tobacco; livestock farming is centered on swine and cattle while sheep herding is in decline. 

The most developed industrial area is Terni, with the most prominent sectors being hydroelectric, steel, mechanical, chemical, textile, food and graphic-publishing. 
The main sectors of tourism are religious, artistic and wine and food
The region is also rich in beautiful villages (borghi) and remarkable historical and artistic centers, such as Assisi and Orvieto
Umbria has 30 PDO PGI products from the Food (9) and Wine (21) sectors.
For FOOD products the most important designations are: 
Prosciutto di Norcia IGP 
Vitellone Bianco dell’Appennino Centrale 
and Olio extravergine Umbria DOP

The 21 designations for Wine are:
Umbria IGP 
Orvieto DOP 
Montefalco DOP 
Comic Panel 1
Pizza di Pasqua
Speech Bubble
Torta di pasqua is a typical Italian Easter recipe that comes from Central Italy. Common i Umbria and Le Marche. Is also known as Pizza di Pasqua. It is a kind of bread prepared with eggs and cheese.
600 gr Flour
1/2 glass Milk
8 Eggs
50 gr Extra virgin olive oil
10 gr Sea salt
8 gr Ground pepper
150 gr Parmesan cheese
350 gr Young Pecorino cheese
50 gr Brewers yeast
Mix the milk with 50gr of flour and the yeast, then set aside. Crack the eggs into a bowl and add black pepper, salt and start beating, then incorporate the flour and the milk, flour and yeast mixture, stir in the two different kinds of grated cheese and olive oil.
Butter 4 mould, place the mixture in the moulds leaving enough space for it to rise, cover with a tea towel and set aside to rest for 40 minutes. Then place the cheese cube in the middle, cover again and let them rest for at least another 20 minutes.
Brush the surface with eggs, wash and bake in a pre-heated oven at 160 °C.
Comic Panel 1
Parmigiano Reggiano
Parmigiano-Reggiano, also known as Parmesan, is an Italian hard, granular cheese produced from cow's milk and aged at least 12 months.