Book Creator

TWMI - Hungary Eur'Hop E-book

by Éva Vincze

Pages 4 and 5 of 17

If I were a city, I would be Budapest, because this is my favourite city.

If I were a season, I would be winter, because i love it when the sun is shining and the landscape is snowy.

If I were a composer, I would be Vance Joy, because i love his songs.

If I were a creature, I would be a dolphin, because i like to swim freely.

If I were a pair of shoes, I would be sport shoes, because i play a lot of sports.

If I were a colour, I would be pink, because because it is a very cheerful colour.

If I were a city, I would be Firenze, because it is very interesting and unique city and also has a plenty of beautiful building.

If I were a season, I would be summer, because I have a lot more free time and I like warm weather.

If I were a music band, I would be Twenty One Pilots, because they’re Christians and have meaningful songs.

If I were a creature, I would be pegasus, because they can fly.

If I were a pair of shoes, I would be sneakers, because it is comfy and fits everything.

If I were a colour, I would be red, because it suggests strength and confidence. 
