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A fight against Inequality

by Sai Likhith Poolla

Pages 2 and 3 of 5

This story is based on Inequality of caste. This story is true and Inequality of caste is banned in India currently. Inequality on caste should not happen but a few people still follow it. So please tell everyone you know that Inequality of caste or anything is not allowed.
There was a time where the Shudras were considered as lower caste people. In that time, some Shudras needed some water. There was a well where anyone can take water from it except for the Shudras because they thought the water was sacred and Shudras were untouchables, they could not touch the water or drink it. So a social activist came along and saw the Shudras suffering. When he saw them suffering in need of water, he gathered a bunch social activists. All of them started protesting for the Shudras. They kept on protesting for days and weeks but the higher caste people were not satisfied. One day, the social activist thought for an idea to make the higher cast people understand. He got and idea so he grabbed a Shudra and threw him in the well. He did that because the Shudras were not allowed to touch or drink the water. Afterwards, he said to the higher caste people that now a Shudra touched the water, now you don't drink the water because they can't touch or drink the water in the well. Then, the higher class people needed water so they drank the water in the well and also gave the eligibility to the Shudras to drink water from the well.

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