Book Creator

The Legend of the Wawel Dragon

by Pol+Est

Pages 4 and 5 of 43

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Once upon a time there was a beautiful town in the south of Poland. Its name was Kraków and it was ruled by a handsome king Krak. People living there led a peaceful and happy life as the King was wise and just. The town attracted many traders and merchants from all around the world who came to Kraków to sell silk, exotic spices, amber, armour, sabres, marvellous jewellery and to buy salt from world famous Wieliczka mine, bear pelts, linen oil and bitter beer. The town grew bigger and bigger and the Cracovians were becoming richer and richer. The guilds could afford to build more beautiful houses, higher churches and more spacious inns serving more and more cheffy dishes. Everybody was happy and content with their lives.
Erasmus+ Cultural Heritage: An inclusive path for participation and exchange in Europe
Comic Panel 1
Comic Panel 1
Erasmus+ Cultural Heritage: An inclusive path for participation and exchange in Europe