Book Creator

(copy) Floor book master

by J.Marshall

Pages 2 and 3 of 16

Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School
Year 6

Term: Autumn
Created by Miss Floyd
Session 1 Geography

Obj: To locate Russia on a map and identify the key cities and bodies of water.
Do we ever appreciate enough of what we have? Do we take where we live for granted?
Do we ever appreciate enough of what we have? Do we take where we live for granted?
The class were split into groups and given different questions about Russia. They had to use the iPads to research the answers.
Key question: What is it like to be on holiday in Russia?
Session 2 Geography

Obj: To recognise the physical features of a country.
What can we do to prevent extreme climate change here?
Do we ever appreciate enough of what we have? Do we take where we live for granted?
The children looked at pictures of the different climate zones in Russia. We then discussed about these physical features would affect the people’s way of life.
Key question: Where would Marina want to live and why?
Session 3 Geography

Obj: To locate Russia on a map and identify the key cities and bodies of water.
Do we ever appreciate enough of what we have? Do we take where we live for granted?
The class looked at the population of Russia and the reasons for this. After much discussion they wrote a letter to the Government explaining about the diverse population of Russia and came up with solutions to solve the population crisis.
Key question: What is are there so few people I’m Russia?
Session 4 History

Obj: To identify the different types of leadership and the effect this has on all social groups.
Is it right for some peo0le to have everything and some to have nothing?
Do we ever appreciate enough of what we have? Do we take where we live for granted?
The class were asked to research how Russia is led and answer the question ‘Do the poor people of Russia have access to the things they need? Or is Russia a country that favours the rich?
The children looked at different types of leadership and soon came to the conclusion that Russia benefitted the poor. They realised quickly that Russia was a very political place and you didn’t want to get on the wrong side of the people in charge.
Key question: Who is in charge? Who has all the money?
Session 5 Art

Obj: To identity and recreate art work in a Russian art style.
Do we ever appreciate enough of what we have? Do we take where we live for granted?
Key question: Where would you find Russian art influences today?
Session 6 History

Obj: To identify the events prior to the Chernobyl disaster and begin to understand the impact it had on the people.
Do we ever appreciate enough of what we have? Do we take where we live for granted?
Is it right to hold a grudge? Is anything unforgivable?
The children debated the following question:

Do you think the benefits of nuclear outweigh the dangers?
Key question: Why did Chernobyl happen? Who was to blame?