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Autumn 1- Home Sweet Home

by A McDonald

Pages 2 and 3 of 6

Home Sweet Home
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School
Year R

Term: Autumn 1
Created by Miss McDonald
Edited by
-talk about the lives of the people around them and their roles in society.
-Understand and use language related to the passing of time.
-State example of change
Session 1 My House

- Talk about our family and extended family.
- Talk about my house and the different rooms.
- Categorise and sort objects that go in each room.
We talk about our families and explored how they are all different but everyone is special .
We talked about who lives in our house and other family member that are special to us e.g. Nana, grandad, aunties and uncles.
We found out what our address is and made a postcard.
We looked at the different rooms in a house and sorted the furniture into the correct room in our dolls house.
-describe their immediate environment using knowledge from observation, discussion, stories, non-fiction texts and maps.
-know the names of places in their immediate locality and say what these places are like.
Session 2 Different kinds of houses

- Talk about and compare different types of homes.
- Talk about and describe what their house looks like.
We practiced our cutting skills and used 2d shapes to make a house.
The children brought photos in of their houses and we compared different types of homes.
Session 3 Pets homes

- Talk about our family and extended family.
- Talk about my house and the different rooms.
- Categorise and sort objects that go in each room.
-explore the natural world around them, making observations and drawing pictures of animals and plants.
The children drew a picture of their favourite animal and described them.
We brought in photos of our pets and talked about their homes and how we look after them.
-Know some similarities and differences between things in the past and now, drawing on their experiences and what has been read in class.
-understand and use language relating to the passing of time.
-state examples of change
Session 4 Unusual homes

- Find out about unusual homes.
-Talk about what it would be like to live in one of those homes.
We looked at lots of different unusual homes and what it would be like to live there.
My dream home is a farm.
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My dream home is a lighthouse.
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My dream home is my own home.
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We looked at how buildings look different now to how they were built a long time ago and compared them.
The children used different construction toys to build their ‘dream home’.
-Understand some important processes and changes in the natural world around them, including the seasons and changing states of matter.
-know that processes and changes occur.
-know that saying what you see is an important aspect of Science.
Session 6 -Tents, caves and dens, exploring Autumn
- Talk about light and dark and compare.
-Talk about the different things we do during the day and at night.
-Explore Autumn and talk about the changes that take place.
We explored making our own den with blankets, boxes and chairs.
It is dark when we go to sleep.
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The leaves turn brown and fall off trees.
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We explored different lights in the dark tent and looked at our shadow.

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