Book Creator

WW2 floor book

by J.Marshall

Pages 2 and 3 of 17

World War 2
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School
Year 5

Term: Autumn 2021
Created by Mrs Marshall
Edited by
Session 1 History and Geography
We created timelines of key events that led up to the start of WW2 then looked at a map of Europe to identify the countries that were invaded by Germany. We discussed allies and why the location of the countries made them most likely to be invaded.
Session 1 Art
We made sketches of poppies using pencil techniques, adding shading and colour with chalk pastels.
Session 2 History
We explored WW2 artefacts in groups and discussed what we thought they were for and what information they gave us about life at the time. We then found out all about the objects and compared them to our original ideas.
Session 2 Art
We were researching, selecting, collecting, assembling, cutting, tearing, sticking, layering and collaging to create work from a variety of found and created resources;
“I felt a little scared to rip but I got over it in the end and I was fine”
“At first I was terrified and nervous but once I did the face mask i was on a roll I do wish I put the flower somewhere else but the final project is so pretty”

Session 3 Art
My favourite one is the one from Georgia Okleffe because hers has an orangey tint,it’s colourful and it’s very detailed
I like the Monet one because everything there is full of colours and they took up the whole space of it and you can really see a lot of things.
Session 4 Art
The children looked at propaganda art and discussed what it meant and who it was for. They chose a particular area to focus on and looked at the range of propaganda from the time. They used collage techniques on IT to create a combination poster.
Session 4 History
We researched the blackouts and answered the question:
Were the blackouts beneficial or did people die unnecessarily?
Charlie gave some great responses for both sides and expanded on the idea of social responsibility in detail