Book Creator

New Features in Book Creator

by Rosey McQuillan


New Features in Book Creator for iOS
By Rosey McQuillan
Book Creator is a versatile tool that allows you to create multimedia books or projects in any subject area.

The + button will allow you to add content to your book. You can add audio, images and videos easily. You can access images or video from your Photos or record audio and video directly into Book Creator pages.
Looking for shapes? They are now located under the More dots!
Looking for shapes? They are now located under the More dots!
Integration of Google Maps
Using the More dots. select the Maps option. Google Maps is now built into Book Creator. Next type in the location you would like to find on the map. Find the location in the drop-down menu. You can also annotate your map using the pen tool!
Using the More dots. select the Maps option. Google Maps is now built into Book Creator. Next type in the location you would like to find on the map. Find the location in the drop-down menu. You can also annotate your map using the pen tool!
Classroom Integration Ideas
Mapping Storybooks
Students can use maps to follow actions that happened throughout a story. They can retell the story in their own words using the map, and positional vocabulary.
Historical Maps

Students can map historical events, create timelines and annotate historical sites through using maps. They can also create, define, and understand historical themes and concepts as well as geography in which events unfold.