Book Creator

Hopes for the future

by mariarosa martinotto


Hopes for the future
Thought Bubble
Scuola Secondaria 1° grado
Ic Viale Legnano Parabiago a.s. 2022-23
I really hope to make my dreams come true.
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I want to win a swimming competition
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Speech Bubble
In a few years, I want to travel all over the world
Maybe, I'll finally make new friends
by Chiara
by Camilla
by Simone
I promise I will study every day
I'm sure I'll do my dream job
Thought Bubble
Thought Bubble
Thought Bubble
by Mattia
I want to play on my playstation as long as possible
I think I'll win at least three athletics competitions next year

of athletics in one year

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I would like to be admitted to the high school of applied science and not to blow up anything in the lab

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I want to travel and visit Madrid and London
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I would like to find new friends
by Susanna