Book Creator

Poems From the Heart of Experience

by Michael McColgan

Pages 2 and 3 of 19


Ode To a Father

Empty Nest


Lifetime Dagger

Ode to The View

Ode to the Four Horseman

The View Through The Backward Looking Glass

My Spring Fling with Covid-19
Ode to a Father

The day you came into this world was so special.
You suffered through your first days,
Tears abound, love would always stay.

You would not sleep, so we walked.
You would not sleep, so we talked.
We have spent much time together,
I would not trade it for anything.

You were my long drive companion.
Your reward was the tale of The Giant Squid.
We would lie and create our story,
Those memories will always be my companion.

I have never had to worry about your schooling,
You knew what to do, and did it.
You enjoyed being pushed, being challenged.
I could not be more proud of who you have become.

You have matured beyond your years.
I love you for that.
You have always been on the right side of choices.
I will always respect you for that.

Though we may have argued
We may have disagreed,
You have never rebelled
For that I will always love you.