Book Creator


by Francesca Gambino

Pages 2 and 3 of 5

Mobility in Palermo
The first day we went to school in the morning. In the school gym all the students introduced their own schools and countries with short videos. We played some games to know each other. After the break we attended a fractal lab. In the afternoon we went to the Royal Palace and so we visited the Palatine Chapel and the main rooms.
The second day we went to Monreale where we visited the Cathedral, the Cloister and we attended an art lab.
The third day we visited the Massimo Theatre, the Salinas Museum, Pretoria Square, the “Four Corners” and St Cataldo’s Church.
The fourth day we went to the A.F.A., the Cathedral and St Salvatore’s Church. In the afternoon we also visited St Catherina’s Church.

It has been a great week!
This is the video that represents the activities carried out during the first mobility in Palermo

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