Book Creator

I Spy 3D Shapes

by lesley wright

Pages 2 and 3 of 8

I Spy 3D Shapes
I spy with my little eye, some 3D shapes.
Can you find 1 sphere, 2 cylinders and 1 rectangular prism?
I spy with my little eye, some 3D shapes.
Can you find 1 sphere, 1 cube, 1 rectangular prism, and 1 cone?
I spy with my little eye, some 3D shapes.
Can you find 1 sphere, 1 cylinder, and 1 cube?
I spy with my little eye, some 3D shapes.
Can you find 2 cones, 1 rectangular prism, 1 cylinder and 7 spheres?
I spy with my little eye, some 3D shapes.
Can you find 1 cylinder, 1 sphere and 5 cubes?
I spy with my little eye, some 3D shapes.
Can you find 1 sphere, 1 cube, 1 rectangular prism and 1 cylinder?
Can you names these 3D shapes?