Book Creator

Social Story

by Mr Jeal

Pages 2 and 3 of 21

Year 5 / 6
Social Story
Year 5 and 6, you will be coming back to Brampton Primary School on the 3rd September.

As you came back during the lock down you already know lots like: that you shall eat in the classroom, you will play in different zones, you enter the school differently and that you must try to stay apart from each other.
Your teacher this year will be Mr Jeal and your teaching assistant is Mrs Churchyard.
One day a week your teacher will be Mrs Hall.
Mrs Blowers will also be helping most mornings.
You'll be entering and exiting using the one way system.
You will be the entering classroom through the year 5 and 6 side door.
This is what your classroom look like
This is where you will wash your hands when you enter the classroom
The toilets are still in the same place but Mrs Lay has decorated them!