Book Creator


by Michelle Manning

Pages 4 and 5 of 12

Name of Habitat
delete this text box
add an image of your habitat
delete this text box
you can come back later and add a background
delete this text box
add text boxes and supporting pictures of your habitat
What is the landform & landscape like?
you have two pages for this
animal life
delete this text box
add pictures of animals found in your habitat
add text boxes to add details about why they do well in his habitat
you have two pages for this
animal life
delete this text box
add pictures of animals found in your habitat
add text boxes to add details about why they do well in his habitat
you have two pages for this
plant life
delete this text box
add pictures of plant life found in your habitat
add text boxes to add details about why they do well in his habitat
you have two pages for this
plant life
delete this text box
add pictures of plant life found in your habitat
add text boxes to add details about why they do well in his habitat
you have two pages for this
delete this text box
write about the climate
-other details
how does it impact life in this habitat
you have two pages for this
delete this text box
write about the climate
-other details
how does it impact life in this habitat
you have two pages for this
fun facts
delete this text box
what did you learn about this habitat that you didn't include on the other pages?
you have two pages for this