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The Arrowhead Of Piercing

by Keenan Chesko

Pages 6 and 7 of 13

The village through the next few years and prospered with the beaver pelts and the village remained that way until the French approached them with a peace treaty in 1670. The Haudenosaunee accepted and the conflict came to an end after all of the war.
About the author
About the author
My name is Keenan and I am a student in the PLP program at Seycove secondary school. Keenan first became interested in he First Nations aspect of history when he began learning about exploration. Although he has not worked with much from New France, Keenan was interested with arrowheads from First Nation villages. As a lover of sharp things, Keenan made this story around a character that he made himself. In his free time, Keenan plays video games, soccer and enjoys other sports as well. He lives with his family in North Vancouver British Columbia.

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