Book Creator

Going Coastal 2019

by PLP 8

Pages 2 and 3 of 30

Replace this box with a map shows Vancouver to Newport, then add a drawing tracing the route of our trip.
Rounded Rectangle
I’m looking forward to going to cannon beach because in the picture it looks really nice and fun.
I’m looking forward to seeing a sea otter because they are really cute. I haven’t seen a sea otter in a while but I’m hoping we’ll see one on our trip. I’m also looking forward to seeing them crack open a sea urchin because I’ve never seen an otter eat before.
Oregon Day 1
Travelling South with a stop at Cabela's!
Rounded Rectangle
Simply because it’s hilarious to see Liam fail a front flip. Although I think that he can actually do a front flip but that’s beside the point.
The Astoria Column
The Astoria Column is 125 feet tall and is covered on the outside by a mural that depicts historical events.
Speech Bubble
Oregon Day 2
Fort Stevens
They call the battery pratt a disappearing rifle because it would only be visible from the ocean for only one second. It “disappeared” because the cannon would come over the wall, shoot and then the recoil from the shot would put the cannon back down below the wall. The shells for this rifle weighed 100 pounds. There was also a cannon that got decommissioned early because the room they had was too small for the loading and cleaning process.
High Life Adventures
I think that thing like these are important to small towns because they are a way to have fun, make job openings and connect with people around you.