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Ka-Pow to Germs A McBride Library online story time

by Holli Sult

Pages 4 and 5 of 7

That was a fun song. Did you dance along? What are some things you can do to stop germs? Share your ideas with the person watching story time with you.
Let's listen to this story about germs. Wait until you see all the places those bad germs live.
Germs, Germs, Germs! by Bobbi Katz
Oh Boy,
Those mean old germs live everywhere. But they don't like soap and water, do they?
Let's learn a fun song to help us when we wash our hands.
This song will help us knock out germs!

Wash, wash
Wash your hands
Wash them nice and clean.
Scrub them here (with hand motion scrubbing together)
Scrub them there (with hand motion scrubbing tops of hands)
And scrub them in between (with hand motion scrubbing between fingers).

Wash, wash, wash, your hands
Play our handy game
Rub and scrub, scrub and rub
Germs go down the drain.
Here's a fun game to play to show you how we spread germs. Have someone put some glitter on your hands. Each time you touch something a little glitter will come off your hands and transfer to what you touched. You will be surprised at how much you touch during this activity.
Don't forget to wash your hands when you are finished playing and you can use a wipe to clean off all the surfaces you touched.

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