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Scribble Stones A McBride Memorial Library Story Time Online

by Holli Sult

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Scribble Stones
A McBride Memorial Library Online Story Time
April 2020
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Hello my story time friends. I sure do miss everyone, but I'm glad we can still have our story times together.
How are you today?
Let's get started with our month and days of the week. Just like our last book, I don't know which day you will be reading with me, but we will name all of the days of the week and you can tell your story time buddy what day it is today.
Today is ___________________, April ____, 2020
Are you ready for our Let's All Clap song? Who is with us today? Let's sing it through the first time with your name, then you can sing it again and again and name your friends you see when you come to story time.
Let's all clap cuz _________ is here,
_______ is here.
_______ is here.

Let's all clap cuz _________ is here,
_______ is here today.
Our story time is about a special little stone who wants to have lots of colors on it, but before we get started, you know I like to get you up and moving. So jump up and sing and dance with our next song. It's called I'm So Happy.
That was a fun song. Did you like it? Did you clap, jump, sing, dance and stomp along?
Let's get ready for our story. It's called Scribble Stones by Diane Alber. While you are listening, see if you can find a scribble stone in the illustrations that you like the best.
Dear story time buddies,
After listening to Scribble Stones, it may be a good time to talk about all of the emotions the little stone goes through. This is an uncertain time for everyone and it may be a good time to point out how it was alright to be sad or disappointed just like the stone in the story. You can also talk about things you can do together that make you happy or surprised or excited too!
What did you like about our story today? Tell your reading buddy. If you had a pet rock, would you paint it? Would you make a house for it? What would you name it?

Here is a project you can make with your reading buddy. You can make your own scribble stones today. Here is what you will need:
*Rocks that are clean
*Paint, Markers, Colored Pencils or Crayons
*A table or space where you have room to color

*Find some good stones to color on. My son picked these out of our yard.
*Wash them and let them dry.
*Decide what kind of picture you would like on your stone.
*Color or paint depending on what you are using.
*Here are our finished rocks.

You can put them in a garden, put them in your house, or you can share them with a friend or family member.

Have fun and be creative!
If you have time before you go today, here is one more story. It's called Ten Magic Butterflies by Danica McKeller. Have fun practicing all the different ways you can count to 10!
And now it's time to go so until next time, let's sing our Goodbye Song by the Learning Station. Toodle Loo Kanga Roos!
Love to you all, Miss Holli
If you have any story time ideas or suggestions, please email me at
I love hearing from you!

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