Book Creator

Splash Autumn 1

by Steph Smeeth

Pages 2 and 3 of 21

The Splash!
Bude Primary Academy Junior's
Monthly Celebration Bulletin
Autumn Term 1 - Wednesday 8th September to Thursday 21st October
Introduction with Mrs Robinson
Hello everyone,

I am so pleased to be able to show you some of the wonderful learning experiences your children have had during this first half of the Autumn term.

We have put into action our new curriculum plan and we are implementing teaching strategies to help children learn more and remember more. It is wonderful to see them growing into confident independent learners.

Please see the website to view the curriculum and school offer. Bude Primary Academy - Juniors ( Link below

I hope you have a lovely half term holiday
Signing Assembly Success!
Poppy Class
It has been a busy return to our learning in Poppy Class! We are currently learning many aspects related to the story of 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' including days of the week, sequencing, changes, colours and numbers.
Our recent sounds of the week have been d, t, i, n and p and we've also been using associated phonic pictures to create sensible, funny and silly short sentences.
We have continued with our weekly sensory exploration/creation including making a giant hungry caterpillar that will soon be up on display for us all to marvel at - but don't get too close as the caterpillar is very, VERY hungry!
Poppy Class Continued
We have had several birthday parties complete with bubbles, balloons, presents and Poppy Class made cakes (don't rell Mrs Robinson, or that caterpillar!)
We have also recognised the progress and achievements of our pupils with weekly certificate winners in a wide range of areas of learning including communication, positive socialising, co-operation, good manners, not giving up and helping others all of which are qualities that our pupils continue to show in abundance.

With many thanks to our pupils, the wonderful support we receive from their parents and to the incredible Poppy Class staff who make everything happen - with special mention to Gary who we all greatly miss!
Millook Class
We have had a wonderful half term here in Millook. Our topic is called ‘Predators’ and through literacy we have been learning all about big cats. We have studied an information text called ‘Terrifying Tigers’ and we are now writing our own information texts all about cheetahs. 
In art, we have been using Henri Rousseaux’s artwork to inspire our own drawings. We have learnt all about tone and how to use our pencils to shade. 
In science, we have been learning all about our skeletons and how important they are. We looked at the skeletons of other animals and even used microscopes to study animals with exoskeletons. 
Crooklets Class
Crooklets have been exploring all things predator -from the very small to the very fast! We have been writing a non chronological report about Cheetahs and the writing the class have produced so far has been so inspirational. On Monday, we welcome some birds of prey and this is something we are all really excited about.  
We’ve been looking at skeletons and began by using hand lenses to carefully observe bones. We then took this learning further by using microscopes to explore the exoskeletons of some incredible, if not at first sight a little scary, animals (dragon fly nymph castings). The class were so engaged and amazed by the hidden world the microscopes revealed.   
This has been a funny first half term. Lots of change for Year 3 and getting used to a new normal. Sometimes we have all felt wobbly, but I have seen so many wonderful, caring moments where Crooklets’ members have looked out for each other and helped when someone needed support. You should be really proud of yourselves.  
Graffiti Classics & Clive Pig
We have been able to have some wonderful visitors in at the begining of this term - both Clive Pig (Story teller) and Grafitti Classics (string quartet) were totally mesmerising!
