Book Creator

Splash Autumn 1

by Steph Smeeth

Pages 6 and 7 of 21

Millook Class
We have had a wonderful half term here in Millook. Our topic is called ‘Predators’ and through literacy we have been learning all about big cats. We have studied an information text called ‘Terrifying Tigers’ and we are now writing our own information texts all about cheetahs. 
In art, we have been using Henri Rousseaux’s artwork to inspire our own drawings. We have learnt all about tone and how to use our pencils to shade. 
In science, we have been learning all about our skeletons and how important they are. We looked at the skeletons of other animals and even used microscopes to study animals with exoskeletons. 
Crooklets Class
Crooklets have been exploring all things predator -from the very small to the very fast! We have been writing a non chronological report about Cheetahs and the writing the class have produced so far has been so inspirational. On Monday, we welcome some birds of prey and this is something we are all really excited about.  
We’ve been looking at skeletons and began by using hand lenses to carefully observe bones. We then took this learning further by using microscopes to explore the exoskeletons of some incredible, if not at first sight a little scary, animals (dragon fly nymph castings). The class were so engaged and amazed by the hidden world the microscopes revealed.   
This has been a funny first half term. Lots of change for Year 3 and getting used to a new normal. Sometimes we have all felt wobbly, but I have seen so many wonderful, caring moments where Crooklets’ members have looked out for each other and helped when someone needed support. You should be really proud of yourselves.