Book Creator

Spring 2

by Steph Smeeth

Pages 2 and 3 of 52

End of term roundup with Mrs Askham
Another wonderfully busy, full of fabulous learning experiences, half term. Taking a look through the Splash each half term is an absolute pleasure, the children at Bude Juniors make us so incredibly proud every day.

We continue our journey as a school, considering ways to improve the provision for the children and developing links within the community and our Trust. As a staff team we reviewed the structure of our school day and have subsequently changed the way we run assemblies this half term, which has been a huge success. We’re sure you will have seen the happy faces from our wake up and shake up sessions before our Friday celebration assemblies on our social media pages. Children have very much enjoyed coming together as a school more and having the opportunity for more interactive whole-school experiences.  
Each of our year groups continue on their learning journeys, immersing themselves in their project learning for the half term. Poppy class continue to amaze us with their creativity, their Rainbow Fish display was very eye-catching. The vocabulary choices in our Year 3 spring poetry have been capturing the attention of staff across the school. Year 4 wowed us with their phenomenal class assemblies – we could really see a clear development in their confidence and oracy skills. Year 5 have been exploring the ground-breaking Greeks in more detail; taking part in the Olympic games, cooking a Greek dish and even becoming architects constructing their own bridges. Whilst preparing for the upcoming SATs, Year 6 continue to bowl us over with their cross curricular learning linked to their project this half term, blood heart.  
Excitingly, this half term our Year 4 cohort had the opportunity to take part in a one night residential at Plymouth aquarium, sleeping with the sharks. This is the first time our Year 4s have completed a residential and they represented Bude Juniors beautifully. It takes a large amount of time and effort to organise these events so thank you to Mrs Gibson, Mr Whelan and to the adults who participated in the trip.  
We are very much looking forward to the summer months with many exciting events to come such as our Year 5 class assemblies, Year 6 residential to Bristol, PTA summer fair, sports day and much, much more!

We hope you have a sunshine filled two-week break. We look forward to seeing the children back in school on Monday 17th April.