Book Creator

Splash Dec 2021

by Steph Smeeth

Pages 2 and 3 of 34

The Splash!
Bude Primary Academy Junior's
Monthly Celebration Bulletin
Autumn Term 2 - Monday 1st November to Friday 17th December
Introduction with Mrs Robinson
It has been wonderful to be able to celebrate Christmas this year with a little more normality. This half term has been full of fabulous events, experiences  and trips with the children making some lovely memories. 

I have now been at Bude Juniors for a whole year and have seen it through some of its most challenging times. Together with the senior leadership team, I am developing our long-term plans which will see our school go from strength to strength. I am proud of what we have achieved so far. 
This booklet celebrates the best of the teaching and learning at Bude Juniors this half term and demonstrates happy pupils enjoying their learning.   

I wish you all a very merry safe Christmas and look forward to continuing our partnership in the new year.  

Mrs Sarah Robinson 
Christmas Lunch
A huge thanks to our Catering Team who feed the majority of the school on Wednesday - pupils AND staff!

Poppy Class
Well what a term it has been...! We have been involved in a range of learning as wide as our recent weather - not to mention a few parties that we're open and honest about!!!
From our daily phonic and number learning to riding our new balance bikes to jumping in muddy puddles to making beautiful Christmas arty creations to Christmas story-times - not to mention our soft play sessions and messy play with shaving foam, slime and hand painting!
Poppy Class continued
We are all looking forward to the seasonal break and are hoping that our good learning and behaviour combine to merit a visit from the 'Big Man' FC himself!
With many thanks to all our pupils, wonderful staff and fantastic parents.  
Happy Christmas all and here's to a healthy and enjoyable New Year!
Crooklets Class
We’ve had such a great half term. Things have just seemed a little bit more normal! 
Maths- Crooklets have worked so hard and have really grasped the idea of exchanging in addition and subtraction. 
English – We have been writing some brilliant stories, based on the story ‘Star in the jar’. The class used paragraphs, fronted adverbials, onomatopoeia, to name just a few skills. 
Crooklets Class continued
Our project, Rocks, Relics and Rumbles has seen us delve below the Earth’s surface and explore what makes up the physical geography of our World.
We have loved finding out how volcanoes are made. Other highlights include, our geology and ecology school trip. Sewing in DT, practising our school play, fantastic gymnastics in PE and our brilliant science observations and investigations.  
Millook Class
In year 3, we have been learning all about rocks!

We joined Simon Hammond on an amazing geology walk along Summerleaze beach. We learned about how our coastline was created and studied the sedimentary rocks that make up our cliffs.
We learnt about the tides and how different seaweeds survive. We found out that channelwrack seaweed can survive even though it is not underwater for a large proportion of the day and that bladderwrack seaweed contains air bubbles that allow it to float when the tide is in.