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Southern Colonies

by Nicholas C

Pages 2 and 3 of 6

The Southern Colonies
The best place to grow tobacco
Nicholas C.
Reason for Founding
The southern colonies was founded because settlers in England didn't have the right soil to grow the stuff they wanted
So come to the Southern Colonies and you can grow anything you want
In the Southern colonies we had rich soil.
We have mild winters and good hot summers. So you don't have to worry about starving in the winter unlike the New England colonies.
We also have forests for lumbering
In the Southern Colonies we manufacture iron
In the Southern Colonies we have lots of farms
Tobacco is a big part of our economy. So get rich off tobacco
In Georgia we have debtors so they can become soldiers to protect the Carolina's from the Spanish
If your a debtor than come on down to get away from all the fuss
Who would want to live in the New England colonies. They have harsh winters and short growing seasons. Also did I mention that they always get into fights with the Indians. And you have to be a Puritan which is unfair.
Live in the Southern Colonies. We have mild winters and good long summers so you can grow all the crops you can like tobacco, indigo, corn, all kinds of stuff. Also we don't have to worry about Indians because were friendly. And you don't have to be Puritan to live in the Southern Colonies

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