Book Creator

WIlson's Climate Change Reflections 3/18/22

by Joel Barkan

Pages 6 and 7 of 16

Mr. Lu - Period 2
Learning about can help us in the future and now in the present, because when changes happen we know how to confront them and what to do when they happen. Like right now, we have too much CO2 which makes the world hot so were trying to plant more trees to turn the CO2 into oxygen and use less gas and electricity because they make CO2 and we use a lot of it because of more technology that comes with time. – Yordi
To help fight climate change, we could save energy by taking short showers and not wasting water. – Darnell 
Something that surprised me about building a green school was how expensive everything was. – Nailea 
I like the plants around the Living Lab and how they grow. – Axul

Something that I found challenging about building a green school was working with people that didn’t agree with me. The prices of both the mandatory and optional items were really expensive. To fight climate change, we could make sure to recycle and make sure that our trash is inside of the bin and not falling out of the bins. – Danity 
In the future, science with probably get better to where people in the future could know what to do and what to stop doing and stop littering. – Jerryohn
Climate changed has increased the temperature during the summer in City Heights .You never know what kind of weather you’ll get, for one week it could be raining the next it could be over 90 degrees. – Cristina
Ocean Discovery has taught me that if you have the right amount of money you can be eco-friendly too! Ocean Discovery has solar panels, LED lights, and doesn't use air conditioning and all of that is eco-friendly. I have seen or noticed climate change here in City Heights like how in winter instead of being cold its hot. Climate change is very harmful for our Earth. – Ashley
The actions we can take to fight climate change is to stop using so much fossil fuels, electricity cars, phones, factories, buildings and start using more solar energy. – Anonymous 
To fight climate change, we can live on Mars or live underwater. Not too deep nor too shallow. – Angel
Mr. Lu - Period 2
The most challenging thing about designing a Green School was deciding what to buy. – Lindsey
Something I would tell my community is to throw trash away in the correct container, and that it’s going to get a lot hotter in City Heights. – Sean 
From what I learned from today about Climate Change, I could start taking short showers to save energy and also we could turn off the lights when we are not using them so we could save energy. – Giselle 
Learning about climate change today can help us change bad habits that we may have into good habits to help save our future. From what we learned today about climate change, I will help reduce the amount of electricity I use and take advantage of natural sources to help make a difference in my community. – Melanie
I think that in 5 years from now climate change will be better because there’s more people to fix our community. – Natalie 
Something we could do to fight climate change is use less cars and use bikes instead, because cars pollute the air and can affect a climate change negatively. – Anonymous
In Ocean Discovery I learned that when you build a Green Building, the challenging part is staying in your budget. – Edith
I found the Living Lab interesting because it had earth friendly things, for example fans, lights and more. We students can help the earth by using less electricity and buying earth friendly things in our school. – Ileana
To fight climate change, we can use energy smarter and doing small acts to save and conserve energy. - Phuong
Building a green school was stressful because of how expensive everything was. – Mia