Book Creator


by Sarita Jiménez Villarreal


Name: Sarita Jiménez
Course: 10th "F"
Environmental Reserves
Environmental Reserves
A nature reserve is an area of land, water, and/or wildlife that has been designated for protection and conservation. These areas are intended to preserve natural ecosystems, wildlife habitats, and endangered species. Nature reserves can also be used for scientific research and environmental education.
Photo 1: Enviromental Reserve
In general, nature reserves are managed by government agencies or by non-governmental organizations with the aim of protecting and conserving natural resources, thus ensuring their sustainable and responsible use. This implies establishing measures to avoid the degradation of ecosystems, the protection of endemic species and the management of human activities within them.
There are different types of environmental reserves, including:
Integral natural reserves: they are protected areas in which the exploitation of natural resources is not allowed, in order to preserve the ecosystems and the species that inhabit them. These reserves are intended for scientific research and environmental education.
National parks: are protected areas that are intended for the conservation of biodiversity and natural ecosystems, but also allow recreation and responsible tourism.
Photo 2: Yellowstone National Park - USA
Biosphere Reserves: These are areas that have been designated for the conservation of biodiversity and the sustainability of natural resources, but also allow sustainable human activities, such as agriculture, fishing and tourism.
Private Reserves: These are protected areas that belong to private owners who have decided to protect the ecosystems and biodiversity on their property.
Regional conservation areas: These are areas that have been designated for the conservation of biodiversity and natural resources at the regional level, and are usually managed by government agencies and non-governmental organizations.
In general, all these environmental reserves have as their objective the conservation and protection of biodiversity and natural ecosystems, although they differ in their levels of protection and the human activities that are allowed inside.
Photo 3: Regional Reserve Ausangate
Below, I provide a non-exhaustive list of some countries and some of their main nature reserves:
-Mexico: Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve, El Pinacate and Gran Desierto de Altar Biosphere Reserve, Montes Azules Biosphere Reserve.

-United States: Yellowstone National Park, Yosemite National Park, Everglades National Park.

-Brazil: Chapada Diamantina National Park, Serra da Canastra National Park, Tijuca National Park.

-Canada: Banff National Park, Jasper National Park, Pacific Rim National Park.

-Spain: Tablas de Daimiel National Park, Doñana National Park, Sierras de Cazorla, Segura and Las Villas Natural Park.

-Costa Rica: Corcovado National Park, Manuel Antonio National Park, Tortuguero National Park.

-Australia: Kakadu National Park, Willandra Lakes National Park, Jervis Bay National Park.

-Peru: Pacaya-Samiria National Reserve, Manu National Park, Tambopata National Reserve.

It is important to note that many countries have a large number of nature reserves, some better known than others. In addition, each country may have different types of
environmental reserves, depending on its legislation and the management of its natural resources.
Photo 4:
2005 map showing protected areas globally.
0-3.9% of the country is protected
3.9-11.3% protected
11.3-22.7% protected
22.7-41.8% protected
41.8-72.3% protected
no data
Ecuador is a very biodiverse country and has numerous protected areas. Below, I present some of the main nature reserves in the country:
Yasuní National Park: located in the Amazon region of the country, it is considered one of the places with the greatest biodiversity on Earth. Unique and endangered species of animals and plants can be found in the park.

Churute Mangroves Ecological Reserve: Located on the Pacific coast of the country, this reserve protects one of the most important ecosystems in the region: the mangroves. You can also find a large number of waterfowl.

Cotacachi-Cayapas Ecological Reserve: Located in the Andean region of the country, this reserve protects various ecosystems, including cloud forests, páramos, and rivers. It is home to a large number of bird, mammal and amphibian species.
Antisana Ecological Reserve: located in the Andean region of the country, this reserve protects one of the highest volcanoes in the country, the Antisana. It is also home to a large number of fauna and flora species.

Machalilla National Park: Located on the Pacific coast of the country, this park protects various ecosystems, including dry forests, mangroves, and beaches. It is home to unique animal and plant species.
These are just some of the main nature reserves in Ecuador, but the country has many more protected areas, each with its own unique biodiversity and characteristics.
Mountain Biking: Mountain biking is an exciting activity that can be done in nature reserves. It consists of riding a bicycle on rough and uneven paths. It is an intense activity that requires a high level of skill, balance and endurance.

Kayaking: Kayaking is a popular water sports activity in nature reserves that consists of sailing in a small boat through rivers, lakes or the sea. It is an activity that provides a unique view of the natural landscape and can be both relaxing and exciting.

Rock climbing: Rock climbing is a sporting activity that takes place in nature, with the aim of scaling rock walls. It is a strenuous activity that requires strength, balance and skill.

Bird Watching: Bird watching is a popular activity in nature reserves that involves looking for and observing different species of birds in their natural habitat. It is a relaxing and
Photo 5: National Enviromental Reserves in Ecuador
Sports activities that can be done in a nature reserve:
Hiking: Hiking is a popular sporting activity in nature reserves, consisting of walking on trails through the natural landscape. It is a great way to stay active while enjoying nature and can be a low impact activity or a more challenging activity depending on the difficulty of the chosen trail.
educational activity that can be done at any age.

Fishing: Fishing is a popular sporting activity in nature reserves that involves catching fish in natural bodies of water. It is a relaxing activity that can be done alone or in a group and can be a great way to connect with nature.

Ice climbing: Ice climbing is a sporting activity that takes place in nature reserves in frozen areas, with the aim of climbing ice walls. It is a strenuous activity that requires skill, strength, and stamina.