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Constantly Growing Mind

by Alfie

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Constantly growing mind
Featuring Alfie
My Grit

There are some things with my grit that i’ve learned that I want to share. First that if i’m going to be gritty about something I have to want to do. If grit is about perseverance, why persevere in something I don’t want to do. Once that happens, I put as much effort as I can into understanding & accomplishing my work.
Where do I show my grit?
Rounded Rectangle
Ive learnt I have a grit when it comes to learning new songs or techniques on the guitar. Sometimes I cant figure a song out so I leave, not to quit but to come back with a better mindset. Why would I keep trying after seeing I couldn’t do it yet? Because I want to, thats all grit is.
There are many ways I can use grit to show my skills, school is a good example. Persevering in your work & understanding why we’re learning is a way want to & will show my grit it. Another way I could show my grit is through video games. Which sounds stupid but its true, I decide I want to complete 100% of the game? Yeah ill do it, again only because I want to.

One of my fixed mindset areas is making art, its not something I do to much however when I do its not a black & white “this is good & this is bad” its just the idea that I cant improve or just don’t have the motivation to improve. One way I can fix this is to use inspiration whenever it hits & don’t take it as a test of my skill.
These were notes we took in class about Growth Mindset
Growth Mindset Notes

- mindset of gaining intellect
- managing your time
- easy to give fixed mindset
How has my intelligence changed?
Ive recently realized that my idea of what intelligence is has change over the course of this challenge.I used to think of intelligence as how much information your brain can hold. Now I think of intelligence as the way you can use knowledge you have gained through meaningful experiences.

I cant remember anything from grades 1 to 4 so I don’t know what praise I was given.
When it comes to school work im willing to fail the first attempt. It helps because not only do I know what to do, I also know what not to do. Re evaluating when im working on, and re-reading the basecamp info would help me to do this.
Of course when you’re working hard trying to achieve something and you hit a breaking point, its good to take breaks and reset, I often do this by playing games.