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Juan Carlos Ovalle jimenez 2021 SC Exhibition Booklet

by Juan Carlos Ovalle Jiménez

Pages 4 and 5 of 54

My PYP Exhibition Booklet
Santiago College 2021 Gr5
Juan Carlos Ovalle Jimenez
The PYP Exhibition
How does the PYP Exhibition look like?
Click on the title to show you an example.
Five Essential Elements
What do we want to develop throughout the PYP Exhibition?
Comic Panel 1
Choosing a Topic
Click here to explore a variety of global issues. Then, continue to the following page to evaluate these
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What are Global Issues?
During this year we have learnt about many SDGs and ways to take action. Today you will inquire into global issues and their connection to the SDGs.

➊ Click on this site to explore a variety of global issues.

➋ Access the different sites to play online games related to global issues.

➌ Evaluate the different examples, in order to share a definition with your peers.

➍ How are global issues connected to the SDGs? Reflect on their importance.
Which SDG/global issue are you most interested in continue exploring?
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Enter the online games, evaluate and reflect
These global issues are connected to the SDG's because they are topics that involve the whole world and that are not being promoted or respected. On the contrary, they are being exploited without discrimination which is damaging our planet. That is why the goals had been created, to help the planet. 
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How are these global issues connected to the SDGs?
SDG or Global Issue that interest me:
I see animals sufferinf g and being trited badly. 
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I See
Animals rights: Animals should have the same rights as humans because they also feel. 
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I think
Why do people do animal cruelty?

Why people let animals suffer to get products or something?
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I wonder