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Elijah Andrada

by Elijah Andrada

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Unit 11 triangle project
By Elijah Andrada
Triangle sum theorem:Interior angles of a triangle will always add up to equal 180 degrees.
(below)This is an obtuse isosceles triangle.I know this because it has one obtuse angle (above 90 degrees) and only two sides that are equal.This is a triangle.know this because all the angles add up to be 180 degrees because 47 plus 42 is 89 and 91 plus 89 is 180.
(above)This is an acute equilateral triangle.I know this because it has all acute angles (less than 90 degrees) and all sides are equal.This is a triangle.I know this because all the angles add up to be equal to 180. 62+62=124+56=180
(right) This is an Obtuse Scalene triangle.I know this because it has one obtuse angle (over 90 degrees) and all sides are not equal.I know this because it has angles that add up to be 180. 45+39=84+96=180
(below) This is a right scalene triangle.I know this because it has one right angle (equal to 90 degrees) and all sides are not equal.It is a triangle.I know this because all of the angles do not add up to be 180.51+40=91+89=180
(below) This is an acute isosceles.I know this because it has all acute angles (under 90 degrees) and only two sides are equal.This is a triangle.I know this because the angles add up to be 180. 46+82=128+52=180
(below) This is a Right Isosceles triangle.I know this because it has one right angle (equal to 90 degrees) and only two equal sides.This is a triangle.I know this because the sum of all the angles is 180 degrees.47+43=90+90=180.
(below) This is an acute Isosceles triangle.I know this because all angles are acute (less than 90 degrees) and no equal sides.This is a triangle.I know this because the sum of all the angles is 180 degrees.48+72=120+60=180.
Triangle Inequality Thereom
If the sum of the shorter sides is greater than the longest side.Than it is a triangle.
The sum of the 2 shorter sides of a triangle must be greater than the length of the longest side.
If the sum is not greater than the longest side.Than it cannot be a triangle.
If the sum of the two shorter sides is greater than the longest side it is a triangle.
Triangle Side and Angle Relationship:Longest side length is opposite of the greatest angle measure.
Congruence:Congruent figures have exactly the same size and shape,which means each part of one figure is congruent to the corresponding part of the other figure.
Corresponding sides:

___ ___ length
AB and DE 5
___ ____
BC and EF 2
___ ___
CA and FD 4
Corresponding angles:
angle BAC is congruent to angle EDF 25 degrees
angle ABC is congruent to angle DEF 65 degrees
angle BCA is congruent to angle EFD 90 degrees
Corresponding sides:

___ ___ length
ED and AB 3
___ ____
EF and AC 3
___ ___
DF and BC 5
Corresponding angles:
angle EDF is congruent to angle ABC 41 degrees
angle EFD is congruent to angle ACB 39 degrees
angle DEF is congruent to angle BAC 100 degrees