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Bulgarian Christmas recipies

by Kaloyana Dimitrova

Pages 6 and 7 of 12

Anna-Maria , 9 years old
Chocolate mousse
Products: 1 banana, 1 avocado, 2 strawberries, 2 spoons of peanuts, 2 spoons of cocoa, 100 grams of water- to become a cream.
Preparation: We put all products in blender to be like a mixture. If you want to add water and honey to taste. We fill the mousse into cups, garnish as desired and cool it in the fridge. There is a very light and delicate taste!
Lidia , 9 years old
Dry red pepper with beans

Products we need:
10 dry peppers,
1 tea cup dry beans,
1 head onion,
1 leek,
1 carrot,
1-2 table spoon tomato paste,
100 ml sunflower oil,
Salt, red pepper powder, mint, fenugreek.

Boil beans to ready. Put pepper in a bowl with hot water. Cut onion, leek, and carrot to a small cubes. Fry onion, leek and carrot in hot sunflower oil until they soften. After that add previously boil beans and tomato paste.
Fill the soaked pepper with this vegetable mix. Put filled pepper in a tray and fill warm water.
Bake in oven to
C for a 30-40 minutes.
Bon appetite!