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Pages 4 and 5 of 18

By Liqi
Table of Contents
Why is Ramadan celebrated?                  2

What is fasting?                  3

How is Ramadan celebrated?   4

Where is Ramadan celebrated?  5

When is Ramadan celebrated?       6-7

Who is involved in the Ramadan celebration?      8

What do we need to prepare for Ramadan?       9

What foods do we have during Ramadan?      10

What do we buy or need on Ramadan           11

Colors and meaning in Ramadan             12

Symbols and meanings in Ramadan             13-14
Why is ramadan celebrated?
In  my family we celebrate Ramadan. Me and my family do this tradition because we believe when we do this tradition we will be closer to God and grow spiritually. We do this tradition by fasting.
What is fasting?
Fasting is when people don't eat, drink, and smoke. In Islam we do this to cleanse our body. Muslims believe that by doing fasting Ramadan teaches use to be self discipline, self control, empathy for those who is in need or not fortunate, and encouraging other to be a nicer and grateful human. Fasting is also is a way to learn patience and break bad habits. Fasting is also one of the five pillars of islam, Muslims fast as an act of worship, a chance to get closer to God, and realize how it must feel to people who can't afford food. The Qur'an was first showed during this month. People also believe that on Ramadan the gates of Heaven will be open and the gates of Hell are closed and the devils are chained up in Hell. If people doesn't fast they have to do kaffarah to do that you have to donate money, food, or something that will help someone in need and fast again.
How is Ramadan celebrated?
People celebrate this day by decorating houses, eating, praying, and fasting. People would fast through the holy month and on the last day we will celebrate Idul fitri. Family's will come to they're grandparents house and gather for a family reunion. In the morning we would wear are cloths right away then we would bow to our parents and they bless us and we say thank you for everything they gave and say sorry for you're bad things you did. Then we go to my grandparents house wear I meet my aunts, uncles, and cousins. Then one by one we bow and say thank you to our grandparents and they bless us with prayers. After that we do the praying ritual. Then we gather to have a family feast together then the kids get a envelope with money in it! Finally we gather to take a family picture.
When and where is ramadan celebrated?
When is Ramadan celebrated?
Every year Ramadan changes it's date because it follows the holy month. Next year we will have it on may. But usually it’s between April and may.

Where is Ramadan celebrated?
I celebrate Ramadan with my big family. Everyone and my parents families gather in our big family house or grandparents house and we say thank you to our Grandparents and they bless us. We also go to our cousin's house or relatives house too.
Who is involved in Ramadan?
My big family is involved and my family. Usually cousins, aunts, and uncles are involved. We don’t usually invite friends but we come to our relative's house even though we don't really know them.