Book Creator


by Maria Rizza

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Students from "M.Raeli " school _ Noto
Trekking to Finocchito mountain on the 16th february 2018
Preparing for the next mobility in Germany for "WALKING THE LINE " Erasmus Project KA2
Overview: Erasmus+ Germany, April 2018
Tasks to be accomplished by the Walking the Line Partner Schools
Activitiy Product/Documentation
Students must bring to Germany and be prepared to work in groups with their information…we will all contribute to the end project – the brochure
Each country prepares an option (like the mascot/logo in Lithuania)
Twinnspace Communication/ fill out student profiles on the PC
Please get started on that we can document student communication to the Erasmus+ organization/funders – as requested by Vincenç
Hike in your own country
History and conditioning for our 12 kilometer hike (Tuesday, April17)
and the shorter hike of 6 kilometer hike (Thursday, April 19)
Historical Information
Project Day/students search the internet research before we hike and create a fact sheet.
Please have your students do an internet research of our hike in their own language or website. They should bring some questions for our students.

Learning how to use and read maps and guides of walking routes, information signs and understanding the map legend and explanations
Each country brings (a minimum of 4 ) signs from their country that one would normally find while hiking. 
●     This could be a safety sign, a sign of direction, a sign of distance or of extra caution. It could be a sign explaining history or location of an important event.
●       Bring the pictures on a Din4 form, preferably in color and laminated (and digital of course for the brochure at the end).
●      Please have the student explain it in easy English
●     Student should tell us why it is important
●     It the sign international or specific to your country
Each country can choose 3 pieces of equipment and present.
Please fill in the list so that we do not do the same thing!!
Germany will present hiking shoes, walking sticks and a compass (on the smart-phone and old school like in Lithuania). We will use this for a group activity in Germany.Look here for further ideas: in English, too!*
Terminology of hiking and outdoor activities related to hiking
Each country should bring a “saying or expression” or “Song” or “whistle”, that one uses while hiking in your country.(
For example…Walking the Line”😂) and translate it into English.
●     Expressions used while hiking: “Blazing trails, etc.”
*pinterest has great ideas
Mini-Dictionary with words in English and national partners language related to hiking, outdoor activities and nature

Geo-cashing, camping, canoeing, photography, etc.
●     Each Country can choose a minimum of 4
●     Look at this website for help:
Fill in the chart so that we do not do the same things!!
Added Value/Music
European Hymn
Powerpoint/poster/performance (playing or singing) about your famous musician or type of music or instrument (as explained in earlier Emails)

INNO ALLA GIOIA (Versione di Arrigo Boito )

Gioia figlia della luce, Dea dei carmi, Dea dei fior!
Il tuo genio ci conduce per sentieri di splendor.

Il tuo raggio asciuga il pianto, sperde l'ira e fugge il duol!
Vien! sorridi a noi d'accanto Primogenita del Sol!

Qual nell'arnia armoniosa già s'inserte il suono al suon,
e la voce della sposa già s'unisce alla canzon.

Ma da noi ritorca al viso chi la gioia in cor non ha,
l'uom che mai non ha sorriso certo in Ciel non salirà.
Dea dei palpiti giocondi gioia sacra ed immortal,
tu sei l'anima dei mondi, sei l'ebbrezza celestial:
sei la pace e la speranza, sei dei pampini l'umor,
sul tuo metro eterna danza move il mar e l'astro d'or
The History of trekking
created by Class 3 A Liceo Scientifico
from "M.Raeli "School Noto