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Growth Mindset Book

by Erik B

Pages 2 and 3 of 7

I realized that for me to put a lot of effort into something, I need to be passionate and have done that thing a lot, otherwise I lose interest. For example in DI At the start when we just got our groups I didn’t really want to do it . But overtime after working with my group a lot I became motivated and ready to show grit in DI.
I could improve and use these skills more by trying to put all my effort in from the start and gain that motivation that I need to finish the task at hand
I show these skills best in 2 places sports and school in school one I’ve started something I have grit to finish and in basketball I have grit to become better than the competition
Grow your mind and build your thinking
Fixed mindset only focus on end grade but growth mindset focus on how they learnt
A growth mindset is the key to success
You can make your brain smarter by training it.
If you work your brain for a long time and then stop working your brain you will lose the training you did with your brain
You can train yourself to have a growth mindset overtime