Book Creator

Loon Lake Amazing Field Trip

by Seth Klose


Replace this box with a map shows North Vancouver to Loon Lake, then add a drawing tracing the route of our trip.
Put a photo here of something you think you might learn on our advance!
In this box, draw a representation of something fun you hope to do on the advance.
Rounded Rectangle
I really want to play laser tag because it is adrenaline pumping and interesting plus it is super fun.

Thought Bubble
I want to learn about trees because they seem really interesting and I want to learn how they help us breathe by changing carbon dioxide.
Learning Advance Day 1
We were all crossing the pulley bridge when I took this picture. I think it is amazing because the lake is reflecting everything its so beautiful.
Thought Bubble
The Loon Lake Property
Replace this shape with your own picture of the beautiful place.
One place I found amazingly beautiful so far at Loon Lake is the view of the lake that is by the balcony from our cabine  because it really brings out the beauty of the lake especially at night. 

Speech Bubble
Rounded Rectangle