Book Creator

My Gucci Oregon Trip

by Matthew Telford

Pages 2 and 3 of 32

Replace this box with a map shows Vancouver to Newport, then add a drawing tracing the route of our trip.
Just because it looks awesome 
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Oregon Day 1
Travelling South with a stop at Cabela's!
Replace this shape with your favourite video that you took today! Hint: consider using Clips!
This is a time lapse of  going across a very long bridge that crosses the Columbia river 
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Rounded Rectangle
The Astoria Column
Replace this shape with your own picture of the Astoria Column.
The Astoria Column is 125 feet tall and is covered on the outside by a sgraffito that depicts American Indian, U.S. and Oregon history.
Speech Bubble
Rounded Rectangle
Oregon Day 2
Fort Stevens
Fort Stevens was only attacked once by a Japanese submarine. The submarine fired at fort Stevens but missed because they didn’t know the accurate location. The people at fort Stevens decided not to fire back because if they did the Japanese would know where they were. So the next time they fired they would not miss.
Another thing i learned was that one of the original forts was made out of dirt so when a canon ball hits it it will slow down and cause less damage unlike brick which would just shatter like glass. In later years though they used cement to build the new fort. My final fact is about a bunker that was originally made fore some super big guns in ww1. although it worked well it just wasn’t efficient enough so in ww2 they changed it into offices and those are some of the facts i learned while at fort Stevens
High Life Adventures
Because cool activities. Like this brings lots of tourists and attention to the town. 
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