Book Creator


by Indian Language School

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Indian Language School
Dear Parents

“It is time to open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is the New Academic Session.”

As we move forward, we are excited to build on our success and explore new opportunities for growth and development. We, at I.L.S have planned a range of events and activities to enrich the academic experience and provide the big leaguers with new insights and perspectives. Whether you're a returning student or a new one, we hope that this academic year will be filled with new discoveries, challenges and growth. We have been successfully delivering high-quality education and are incredibly proud of our faculty and staff who work tirelessly to develop a link between education and the real world. Skill development, a component of Indian Language School education is indeed significant to building a strong foundation for a thriving future.

We look forward to sharing updates with you throughout the year and hearing from you about your experiences and feedback. Let’s make this academic year one of growth and success for all!!

What the new academic year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the new academic year.”
The Sole Warrior Award 2022 / Title - The story of the Storyteller
ACE novation through the World Story – Telling Championship moulds children into young men and women with values and strength to face the challenges in life.

ACE novation's highest award – The Sole Warrior Award, was bestowed upon Devansh Parikh, our little Hero who stands as an example for all of us. He took part in WSTC 2021 and won a prize. Moving with time, he participated in WSTC 2022, and this time won hearts. He has made himself extraordinary by setting an example for all.

Being diagonised with brain tumour only 30 days before the championship did not hold the budding storyteller from proving his mantel. Post his surgery and even days before the stitches could be removed our warrior rises from the hospital bed and gets his mother to record his story without divulging about his medical condition. He was not among the Finalists chosen for the World Storytelling Champion, but he went on to becoming the Champion of the World. 

“Life is truly not about waiting for the storms to pass. It’s about learning how to dance in the rain.”
Indian Language School