Book Creator



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Mike, John and George are close friends. They are on summer holiday, but they are very bored. Because they always do the same things. One day they see an ad on an advertising sign-board in their neighborhood. It is about a camp for two weeks and “Would you like to have an unforgettable experience? IF YES, HURRY UP!” writes on it. This advertisement attracts them and they are excited. They look at each other. 
John says: “It looks exciting. I want to join this camp.”
“But how?” askes Mike and adds: “It may be expensive. We don’t have much money.”
George says: “Let’s call the number there and ask the price.” 
So,they call the number. The price is 50 dollars per person. They count their money. They have 25 dollars in total. They talk to their parents about it in the evening. They say that they can’t afford this camp. But they don’t give up. They go the the supermarket and talk to its owner their situation. The owner is a good man and helps them. Thus, they start working in the supermarket for a few weeks and save the money. Now they have the money. They are ready for the summer camp adventure.
They visit the office and register for the camp. Both of them are very excited about the days they will spend in the camp. They inform their parents about it and start to wait for the day they will start the journey. 

At last, the day of the journey comes and they get up very early at that day. 
They meets at the bus stop with their luggages and wait for the bus .
At that moment, George remember that he has forgotten his mobile phone at home. He says “ I need to go back home and get it” 
Mike says “ You must hurry up. The bus will be here in 25 minutes. Do you think you will be able to be her on time ? “

George says “ Yes, It takes only 15 minutes to be here back” and leaves.

However, George does not come back although 20 minutes left. They start to be worried and think that what they will do if George can not arrive on time. 
They decides to call him but they don’t get any answer. At that time , They see the bus for the camp is coming
They visit the office and register for the camp. Both of them are very excited about the days they will spend in the camp. They inform their parents about it and start to wait for the day they will start the journey. 

At last, the day of the journey comes and they get up very early at that day. 
They meets at the bus stop with their luggages and wait for the bus .
At that moment, George remember that he has forgotten his mobile phone at home. He says “ I need to go back home and get it” 
Mike says “ You must hurry up. The bus will be here in 25 minutes. Do you think you will be able to be her on time ? “

George says “ Yes, It takes only 15 minutes to be here back” and leaves.

However, George does not come back although 20 minutes left. They start to be worried and think that what they will do if George can not arrive on time. 
They decides to call him but they don’t get any answer. At that time , They see the bus for the camp is coming