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our city, our country by 1GA1 students

by Valérie Mounien

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Our city,
Our country
By 1GA1 students

Lycée Langevin-Wallon, Champigny-sur-Marne, France
The history of Champigny-sur-Marne,
the city where we study
Champigny's History goes back to Prehistory. Traces of the first inhabitants in the Neolithic were found.
At the beginning, there are only plantations: Fruit trees, vines, cereals and a forest.It was really there campaign.Today it is a very urban city, but since 2004, vines haves been replanted to make vine
In 1553, the pig fair was created, which is an important event of the city and takes place every year, even though there have been no more pigs for a long time in Champigny.
Champigny was the scene of an important battle in the war of 1870.
This battle lasted 3 days, from November 30 to December 2, 1870. This year, we are celebrating 150 years of this battle but the festivities planned by the city risk to be canceled with confinement.
In the 19h century ,the arrival of the railway increased the number of inhabitants . Champigny is gradually losing its Country side to become a city
Map of Champigny in 1907
Map of Champigny in 1936