Book Creator

Going Coastal 2023

by Meghan W.

Pages 2 and 3 of 33

Oregon 2023
Replace this box with a map shows Vancouver to Newport, then add a drawing tracing the route of our trip.
I am excited to see Yaquina Head because I love beaches and I am also very excited to see the cool rocks and light house. I am also very excited to go to the park and maybe see some baby seals but overall I am just excited for every part of this trip this is just one of the ones I am really excited about.
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I am so very excited to see the wolves because well for one my last name is wulff and two I love wolves because they are so majestic and just so cool. I also really can’t wait to see the wolves of the sea aka Orcas! I love orcas they are so cool to me because they hunt just like wolves and they are so pretty with the black and white contrast.
Oregon Day #1
This is my favourite clip because it is a number of short videos from our trip so far. I used Clips to combine these videos and I am so excited for the other quests to come. I used mostly clips from our driving.
This is the most inter thing I saw at Cabelas.
The Astoria Column is 125 feet tall and is covered on the outside by a freize that depicts a story about the new settlers.
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Oregon Day #2