Book Creator

WSS Inquiry D002 Final

by Mr. Reid


Inquiry 8 D002
Fall 2019
This multi-touch book is a compilation of the inquiry research that Grade 8 students at Westsyde Secondary School in Kamloops, B.C. did. Students in Grade 8 are “learning to learn.” They have been learning high school research skills and how to present their learning in an electronic book form.
Below in the table of contents you will see the students Inquiry questions and their chapters they wrote. We hope you enjoy reading and listening (some parts are multi-media content) to it as much as we enjoyed making it.
Table of Contents:
Ava Z., “How has soccer grown and changed?” ....P.3
Shayla C., “Why did people disobey rules and start dancing modern instead of ballet?” ....P.15
Connor G., “Does the ocean give the sky it’s colour?” ....P.26
Sage P., “What is Déjá vu and what cause it?” ....P.32
Ben L., “Why is Italian hard to speak, important to learn, and can it affect my learning abilities in the future?” ....P.45
James D., “What are the dangers of a concussion in football and the most protective helmets for the sports?” ...P.60
Dre V., “Why is the skin on your lips a different colour than the rest of it?” ...P.69
Ayriana M., “How can we fight climate change, what is it, how does it affect us and what is caused by?” ...P.78
Brooklyn C., “Who thought it would be a good idea to jump on ice and make a sport out of it?” ...P.86
Luca W., “The affect of sleep” ...P.107
Jacob C., “The increase within 100 years time period and how does it have an effect on plastic waste?” ...P.116
Ben W., “Why do we see water and not fish?” ...P.126
Jenna S., “How is plastic waste affecting our oceans and climate?” ...P.134
Logan C., “To learn Japanese how to speak Japanese and write it?” ...P.140
Ryder E., “What animals don’t sleep?” ...P.146
Zachery D., “How are robotics taking over the world?” ...P.153
Abigail R., “What are psychological disorders?” ...P.159
Tia M., “How do you use sign language properly and how do you use it to communicate?” ...P.175
How has soccer grown and changed?
By Ava Z.
Where Did Soccer Originate?
Soccer or football has dated back many centuries ago, and has been played by many countries making the exact origins unknown. It may have developed in other countries and although the exact location is not known, there is a form of soccer that was played in China a long time before Caesar, a Roman dictator, brought the game of harpastum to Britain. Harpastum was a game played by Romans. Many countries have claimed soccer as their original idea but England had been credited transitioned soccer because they had the first recorded uniformed rules.

As recently as 2011 a new find has changed soccer's history forever. A book was uncovered with the name Vocabula. It was written by a citizen of Aberdeen in Scotland. The book was about a game where two teams playing with a ball on the field, and terms like goalkeeper, kick off, and switch halves were mentioned. This book was written in the fourteenth century and it dated back over four hundred years before the English FA was created. A ball was also found in Scotland from the fifteenth century, and is the oldest soccer ball in the world. It has been unclear as to who started the game of soccer, but as of right now Scotland has claimed the title. Maybe in the future a new discovery will be made.