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Ptarmigan birbs

by Lunar Eliclips

Pages 4 and 5 of 7

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In summer, Ptarmigans are a mixture of grey, brown and black above with white bellies and wings. In winter, it becomes totally white except for its tail and eye-patch, which remain black. They are really poofy with their feathers, which makes them really cute. They make sounds with clucks, peeps, and even hisses. The Rock Ptarmigan and the Willow Ptarmigan are found in all countries ringing the North Pole, whereas the exclusively North American White-tailed Ptarmigan inhabits the Cascade and Rocky mountains of western North America and ranges from Alaska to northern New Mexico.
White Bird Winter Sticker
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Ptarmigans eat mostly plant buds, leaves, flowers, berries and a variety of seeds. They also snack on small spiders, insects, and non-poisonous snails oicked from the snowy ground.
Ptarmigans forage by walking slowly. They have a exellent sight to keep a lookout for tastey treats.
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Ptarmigans lay about six to twelve eggs at a time. Incubation lasts from 20 to 22 days. Eggs and chicks have to be hidden away from predators such as foxes, wolves, and other animals. Nests are used only once.
Ptarmigans have to watch out for predators, especially foxes. Foxes are faster runners than they are, and ptarmigans don't fly much.
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