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Chocolate Thief

by Shawn Strickland

Pages 4 and 5 of 6

Swan is very terrified his mom will be here in 15 minutes!! He tries to pick it off with napkins. Scratch, Scratch, Scratch! But the chocolate already hardened!! Now Swan is very worried he only has 10 minutes left! Swan had sweat all over his face... '' I don't think I should have stolen candy! '' Swan thought to himself. He runs around in circles trying to think of an idea.
Swan thinks very hard . Then an idea pops in his head!! Swan bolts ZO -WWW!!! Down to the office and looks through the drawers until he finds duct tape. He takes it and puts it on his hands but... then the tape falls off!! '' NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" He only has 5 minutes left! As Swan gasps for breath.

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