Book Creator

#Global Goals Project - Sustainable Water

by Mrs. Buzzell's 2nd grade students

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Sustainable Water
Mrs. Buzzell's second grade class
Hopewell Elementary School
Bettendorf, IA
Table of Contents:
Why is Water Important..............................................Page 2
Bucket............................................................................Page 10
Wells...............................................................................Page 15
Making a Difference.....................................................Page 19
Special Thanks..............................................................Page 26
Our second grade class decided to create an e-book about Global Goal #6, “Clean Water and Sanitation,” because there are not many books written for children to raise awareness of this problem. We had a hard time finding research material to help us understand this global goal as 2nd graders, so we decided to use what we have learned from research and interviews to write our own e-book.
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Water is life. Plants, animals and humans all depend on this invaluable natural resource for life. Almost every human activity you can think of involves some use of water.
This matters because if you don’t drink enough water, you could die.
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This matters because without water, people will not survive. Somewhere in the world, someone may not have water six years from now.
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In Iowa, our water comes from the Mississippi River. It gets treated at a Treatment Plant. The Plant takes dirty river water and removes dirt to make it drinkable. Water goes through a process using chemicals and filters. Then water goes into a pipe system that carries water to homes, businesses and schools.
This matters because in some places in the world, there isn't enough vapor to form rain. 
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Salt water is not okay to drink. This matters because if people drink salt water, they will be sick. There is more salt water than fresh water on the earth. It is sometimes hard to find fresh water to drink. It looks like there is a lot of water on earth, but most of it people cannot drink or plants cannot use.
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