Book Creator

A Journey Through My Poems

by Siena

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Hi! Im Siena! This is my poems book with all the poems we have worked on this last month. I hope you enjoy my about me video and all the poems inside it!
Thoughts on the project…
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This project has a lot of different emotions coming from me because I started off this project not really understanding poetry and not knowing how to write it. I feel that this project has been really informative and helps us with our creativity so much more. This also kind of relates to writing our song at the beginning of the year learning about rhythms and flow. This was also at times a very confusing project because as I said I didn’t know how to express my self in these new ways but honestly it was kind of fun trying it out! Overall this has been a very different project to what we have done before especially because this had a lot to do with our emotions and expressing ourselves but I had fun!
About Me Video!
Check out my learning portfolio!
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If any song would be playing in my head on repeat it would be this one!