Book Creator

Welcome to the Library

by Aimee Kennedy

Pages 3 and 4 of 4

to the
McKitrick Media Center
Be Someone's Sunshine
Ms. Kennedy, Media Specialist and Mrs. West, Media Secretary
Library Information:
Every book in our library was carefully chosen by a certified Media Specialist for our school community.
Book Checkout! Library books are checked out for two weeks and can be renewed if a student needs a book longer. Kindergarten, First and Second graders can checkout 2 books at a time. Third, Fourth, and Fifth grade will be able to checkout 3 books. 
Lost or Damaged Books: Books or library materials that are not returned, become lost, or are damaged need to be replaced. The cost for lost/damaged books is $15.00.  This cost is the price of the book, plus processing the book for the library. Payment can be made in cash or checks made out to McKitrick Elementary.
Ebook access: If students don't have time to stop by the Media Center at school, it's easy to check out ebooks via McKitrick's Ebooks, the public library, or read myON books online.
McKitrick E-Books
Public Library
Student Lunch Number
Staff L+Lawson Number
Student Number
PIN 4321
Student Lunch Number
Staff Lawson Number

In addition to the wide range of informational texts offered in the McKitrick Media Center,
our electronic databases can be accessed from any device at any time in any location!
If students or staff need access to the websites, please email me at for the passwords.
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers are always needed in the library! Volunteers help checkout books, shelve books, working book fairs, and other projects.  If you would like to volunteer in the Media Center you must fill out the District Volunteer Form, this volunteer form is for any volunteering on campus.  Also, please fill out this form so Mrs. West, the Media Secretary, and I know how to contact you about helping out in the media center.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me!

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