Book Creator

History 2021

by Aspire - Sandy Hill Academy

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History provides all children with the ability to delve deeper and make connections to the past and the world in which they live now.

At Sandy Hill, we teach children the skills required to be a good historian; how to research and gather information, how to question information for authenticity, perspective, and reliability. We are proud to share with you a snapshot of the historical learning that has taken place so far this year.  
“The more you know about the past, the better prepared you are for the future." – Theodore Roosevelt. 
Nursery - Acorn Class
In Nursery History is incorporated within the Understanding the World aspect of the EYFS curriculum.

We continuously learn about people who are special to us and why we remember special times and events throughout the year.

The children in Nursery have loved learning about different historical events and how they have had an impact on our lives today. Practical activities and experiences are provided for the Nursery children in order for them to effectively learn about and understand historical events and celebrations. 
Nursery - Acorn Class
Creating our own poppies for Remembrance Day.
Nursery - Acorn Class
The Christmas Story

The Nursery children all had the opportunity to participate in our Nursery Nativity Performance. During this experience, the children were able to learn more about The Christmas Story.
Nursery - Acorn Class
The Nursery children have loved learning all about Dinosaurs!
We learnt about Dinosaur habitats, fossils and explored frozen Dinosaur eggs! 
Reception - Cherry Class
In Reception, we enjoy exploring and finding out about the past, celebrations and significant stories.

Recently, the children enjoyed an interactive workshop with the RAF Museum in London (Teddy Bear Travels). The children enjoyed the age-appropriate insight into transport artefacts. A teddy bear led us through different parts of the museum, including various modes of transport used within the military. The children were engaged and inquisitive about what they were seeing. They had to help teddy find his medals and enjoyed joining in the sing and sign element of the activity too.